


It’s all about creating space for a pause between




Mindfulness & Yoga

  • What is it?

    Mindfulness can become a habit in anyone’s life with a growing sense of self-awareness and deep breathing. Consistency of a practice can bring you deeper into yourself and have you feeling connected to not only to oneself, but you may also have a deeper sense of clarity in your relationships with others.

    It is about heightened senses whether you are physically feeling it on the inside or encountering it around you. Narrowed focus, anchored mind & body, and a walk with your soul can be found with mindfulness and will also contribute to the growth of your awareness.

    Physically feel the ground support your body in corpse pose or walk outside with focus on what you feel along the way. Thoughts will come and go as they always do. When distracted bring yourself back to the breath and allow that to anchor you to the moment.

    Mindfulness is a step in the direction of connection. If you would like more guidance, please try out a mindfulness practice to start.

  • Movement & Meditation go hand in hand

    A combination of narrowed focus and a deep dive into the sensations experienced by the body through movement. An inward look at the seat of your soul is experienced through engaged breathing and a gentle wave to send off any thought with little to no attachment to it in that moment.

    It is about detaching and being.

    Give pause in the day to remind yourself that you are loved. Show your body this love by intentionally connecting through a walk or a run, weightlifting or dancing, stretching or sitting tall. All that matters is the choice you are making to show up for yourself today and that is something to be celebrated! Movement is a tool to bring body and mind back into the moment.

    Meditation can occur just about anywhere. It’s not about the place, it is about your practice and the peace brought forth from within you. The process can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. The idea is to center oneself, make space for pause, and listen closely. Everyone’s journey is different from that point on.

    Interested in more? Try out this meditation that can be done anywhere. Just pop some head phones in and prepare to flow. :)

Ground yourself In this moment

Take 2 minutes to bring yourself into the present moment with this grounding meditation. Feel free to use the visual as a gaze point or gently close your eyes as you listen closely and arrive fully into your body.

Journal Prompts

It is important to find an outlet for everyday emotions whether it be through movements of the body (exercising , yoga, dancing, stretching, etc.) or written self expression (journaling, art, poetry, song-writing, etc.). Here, you will find simple prompts that can get you started with reflection and possibly lead you into deeper understanding of self. I encourage you to sit with a prompt for more than 5 minutes before you begin to write. Feel free to create a routine out of it! 10 minutes of journaling can be built on top of a morning meditation, post-yoga workout, or as a part of a bedtime prep.

Keep it simple


Keep it simple 〰️